The Author Tool
We envision a world in which anyone and everyone can conceive and compose emotionally effective stories. Our tools help all authors, established or aspiring, to develop stories for stage, page or screen. Beemgee enables people and companies to develop narratives that spellbind the audience. QuickMenu
What is Beemgee?
Beemgee is a tool dedicated to helping authors and storytellers develop narrative material – from the idea to a fully formed story. Because it seems to us that when the author has complete control over the material, there is a better chance of emotionally engaging the audience.
The Beemgee author tool works in your browser (even offline) and helps you outline your plot and work out the dramatic function of the characters in the story.
The web-app is divided into a suite of three interconnected tools, each accessible whether you have signed up to a FREE or a PREMIUM Beemgee account:

Authors and storytellers of any medium, genre, or level of experience use the tool-set to create personal online writers’ rooms for the purposes of story development and outlining.
- The PLOT outliner features a zoomable horizontal timeline as well as a cork board that enable the author to organise the scenes of the narrative and have all information on-hand about each scene.
- The CHARACTER developer concentrates on dramatic function in narrative, enabling the author to create character motivations in the form of attributes, so the author is actually working on the story by working on the characters.
- The PITCH tool succinctly organises key information about a story to reduce the time it takes industry professionals to fully understand not only the narrative structure but the story’s potential.
This combination is unique.
Storytelling craft
Discreet in-app dramaturgical background information at every stage of the outlining process helps you see and understand your story in new depth and detail. Just click the | ? | button.
Pre-writing or re-writing
Beemgee is a tool for “plotters” and “pantsers”. Some authors use Beemgee to plan their work before writing, others to get their story drafts into shape. Whatever kind of writer you are, Beemgee can help you make your story emotionally more engaging.
PREMIUM benefits
Some functions in Beemgee are free.
While you don’t need to register to TRY THE TOOL, we recommend that you sign up for a FREE or PREMIUM account. This way any project you create is saved and safe.
Sign up to a PREMIUM account so you benefit from all the special features and functions that will help you develop your stories professionally. Premium benefits include:
- Considerably more plot attributes with which to enrich your plot events (structural markers, motifs, point of view, writing cautions, essence, scene types, hero’s journey, plot beats, etc.)
- Dozens of PREMIUM character attributes, for example on the inner needs of the character, characterisation, etc.
- DETAIL VIEWS of characters and plot events.
- DETAIL VIEW of your step outline treatment with the plot information you have attributed to your events.
- STORY questions, concerning for example your theme and central conflict.
- PITCH information like your genre or audience as well as the logline, synopsis and blurb
- Export PDFs of your character sheets, the plot, the step outline, or the entire project.
- Export a treatment or a manuscript document as RTF text file.
- Copy projects for drafts and versions.
- Set permissions such as view only or can edit when you share a story with a collaborator, editor, publisher, or produces.
>> Sign up to PREMIUM.
We are continually updating the tool, adding functions and improving usability. Since the tool works in your browser, you don’t need to install any updates in order to benefit from them. The tool is always up to date.
Beemgee – Your Story.
See the full list of features here.
Or read about the software’s functions and features.
Click here for details on pricing and features.