
Copyright typewriter

If a story is your original idea, then the copyright to it is by default yours.

However, copyright is a complex legal issue we cannot hope and don’t even want to explain properly here.

Each country has its own copyright laws. Also, copyright usually doesn’t apply until there is a pretty concrete manifestation of a “work”. It is easier to establish the copyright of the text of a novel than of the story the novel recounts. A story idea or even a fairly detailed outline may not qualify for legal copyright. But if you have a project in the form of a detailed outline which has a date to it, you have at least a way of asserting your moral rights to the intellectual property. 

Just to make one thing absolutely clear: Beemgee has no rights or claims to the stories or content you develop with our tools whatsoever – we don’t even see your projects unless you show them to us specifically and deliberately.

If you are using the Beemgee tool to analyze the dramatic structure of a work that is not your own, and you share the Beemgee project per link, PDF or text file, then we recommend that you put the name of the original author and/or copyright holder in the appropriate field in the Beemgee project.

If you are using Beemgee to create original content, then you may distinguish between the author (in the YOU field) and the copyright holder (which might for instance be a company you are working for), or between your pen-name (in the YOU field) and your real name in the copyright field.

Also, remember that the year of the copyright is relevant.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Related function in the Beemgee story development tool: 
Author, pen name, copyright

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