The Story So Far – Release Notes
See what’s new and track the continuous improvement of the Beemgee storytelling tool in these release notes.
Podcast: The Beemgee Guide to How Stories Work
Performance and security improvements
Payment update (now possible to pay in US Dollar or Euro)
April: Updated system notifications | Improved logic in the global menu
December: Cork board style view of plot event cards | Color picker for plot event cards | Choose to show or hide id and sort order numbers on plot event cards | Improvement of the PDF plot export | Categorisation of the plot attributes into scene info, structure, and process related attributes
June: Improvement ALL STORIES functionality | Layout optimisation of PDF exports | Premium PLOT attributes Dramaturgy, Hero’s Journey (new), Hero’s Journey (classic), Plot Beats, Story Anatomy, Audience’ Journey | Premium STEP OUTLINE attributes Author, Copyright holder | Premium PITCH attributes Genre, Audience, Similar to …, Period setting, Synopsis, Blurb in the STEP OUTLINE section
November: Set Project Permissions (Premium) | Guest mode shows all features
May: Copy projects to create versions or drafts of stories (Premium) | Revised Tour
April: Export .rtf text documents (Premium) | Reorganisation of FREE feature set | Referral function
January: New servers
August: Create new plot event cards while FILTER is set | change order of STRUCTURAL MARKERS segments (Premium) | new Premium character attribute SECRET | German translations revised | new CHARACTER DEVELOPER category dividers | new Premium plot attribute ATTRIBUTES
July: Error reporting function
June: Adjustable line height for COMPARE CHARACTERs (Premium)
May: Free Registration | GDPR conformity | new Premium plot feature ESSENCE | new Premium plot feature CAUTIONS
March: Character views DEVELOP-COMPARE renamed | “Fastest Story” six step app entrée on | collaboration with Mrs. Wulf online
February: SLL Certificate renewed | Symfony backend update
January: Services | new character attribute WISH | renamed character attribute CENTRAL TRAIT | new story attribute SETTING | improved on-site help texts
We envision a world in which anyone and everyone can conceive and compose emotionally effective stories. We built Beemgee to enable you to develop narratives that spellbind your audience. How did we do?
Click here for details on pricing and features.