StoryCheck: Structural Edit
Improve your narrative structure – get specific actionable advice on your story.
This one-on-one personal Story Development & Developmental Editing offer includes Beemgee Premium.
We help authors and storytellers with specific advice on the structural aspects of their narratives. We focus on story dramaturgy, which we assess via a Beemgee project. By identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your plot and your character development, we provide direct personal feedback to enable you to improve your story.
What does structural editing include?
- 12 months access to Beemgee Premium
- Analysis of your story material
- Two sessions (telephone or online), in which you will receive direct and specific hands on structural advice on how to make your plot more compelling and your characters more fascinating
For a structured plot with thoroughly developed characters, book your Beemgee software-supported developmental editing package.
Our editorial team has years of publishing experience and profound knowledge of storytelling principles. Combined with Beemgee Premium functionality – you’ll write a novel with greater chances of success.
How does it work?
- Book the structural editing package
- We enable Beemgee Premium for you
- You fill in the PLOT outline and the CHARACTER sheets for each major character
- Beemgee editors analyse the story, identify strengths and weaknesses of its plot structure and character development, and point out to you very specific aspects of the story that could be improved
At no point does the Beemgee editorial team need to see the full text manuscript! We work solely on the basis of the Beemgee project and what you tell us.
Whatever the genre or style, Beemgee makes the story better by providing a clearer understanding of what makes it work. We concentrate on key structural elements, paying most attention to how the reader will be emotionally involved by the narrative.
How does the story improve?
- Structure: Formal narrative structure
- Plot: Avoid a saggy middle
- Characters: Their motivations, goals and weaknesses are more compelling and dramaturgically sound
- Reader: Focus on the emotional journey of the reader
This software-supported developmental editing service is unique to Beemgee. And it works for all narrative content, including any fiction and most memoirs.
The manuscript you write will be structurally more sound than without story development.
Try it! You’ll feel the difference.
- Save time and avoid endless rewrites
- Reduce the risk of writers’ block
- Reduce the risk of losing the plot – tie up all loose ends
- Write a better manuscript that requires less editing
- Give anyone, for instance your publisher, early access to the specifics of your story
- Create the basis for a treatment and exposé with the Step Outline feature
Try it and see the difference!
The time the process takes depends on you. As soon as you supply a fairly complete Beemgee project, we can get to work. Within days we will provide you with specific hands-on advice to improve your story!
How much does structural editing cost?
Just 571,20 EUR
or the equivalent in your currency (price includes V.A.T.).
The Beemgee structural editing service is currently available in English and German.
We do not read the text or evaluate its style. If you require work on the manuscript, we have a network of friends and partners and we’re happy to broker editing and translation services without any fee.
Supplementary Terms and Conditions for Beemgee story advisory services.